
We are a traditional family-owned Shotokan Karate school focused in offering the best method to kids, teens and adults to learn the original Karate in Boston, MA.

At Budo Karate Dojo you and your children will develop skills to life.

Why practice karate

Sharpen Focus and Concentration

One talent that may be learnt is how to focus and concentrate on a specific task. Karate aids in practicing refocusing your attention on your practice, which improves focus. As you become more conscious of your thoughts while exercising, you will have the ability to reframe any negative ideas such that your inner dialogue solely supports learning and development.

Self-defense and strength

You can learn the useful skill of self-defense while also gaining strength, losing weight, improving cardio, and improving flexibility through Karate. You can learn the right self-defense techniques with minimal risk to yourself if you successfully practice and train in them. ​

Improved Self-Discipline ​

Karate training can be enjoyable and gratifying, but there will inevitably be days or times when you don’t feel as eager to show up for class (does this sound familiar in other areas of your life?). Your self-discipline will improve on the days that you remain dedicated to your practice and consistently show up, which will have a positive impact on every other element of your life. ​

Mental Well-being​

One talent that may be learnt is how to focus and concentrate on a specific task. Karate aids in practicing refocusing your attention on your practice, which improves focus. As you become more conscious of your thoughts while exercising, you will have the ability to reframe any negative ideas such that your inner dialogue solely supports learning and development.


Karate teaches you to manage your own reactions at any given time, whether it’s to deflect a kick that’s headed your way or respond to an instructor’s instructions. While practicing karate in the dojo helps us grow and free our minds, the good impacts are frequently seen while you are not in the gym.



Exercise has the capacity to calm individuals down by releasing endorphins into the brain, which improve mood, lower anxiety, and promote sleep. Karate training requires a lot of energy, which exhausts your body. Rest and healing become even more rewarding as you overcome your personal boundaries and accomplish your objectives.

About us


At Budo Karate Dojo we teach traditional Shotokan Karate, which is among the most practiced, respected, and effective of all Japanese martial disciplines.

We draw on the long-standing customs of this beautiful ancient japanese masters of the past as well as the modern and contemporary influences of our current instructors to teach karate skills and self-defense in a welcoming and pleasant environment. ​ ​


Kid’s Classes

To excel in any endeavor, individuals need to have a strong set of values and a solid character that gives them the perseverance to achieve goals. At Budo Karate Dojo, we provide children ages 3-15 with an environment that allows them to experience and understand core values like focus, discipline, persistence, cooperation, and respect.


Teenagers will find Karate to be a great physical and mental challenge. While many teens spend their time on social media, playing video games, or hours on the couch watching tv, our students are involved in training that will develop skills and lessons that will, for sure, be positive in their adult lives. 



Karate is a sport with no age limit. At Budo Karate Dojo we have Adult Karate classes for students 14 years and above. Karate helps people to build self-confidence, balance, fitness, coordination and, discipline, whilst learning self-defense and conflict avoidance, within a safe friendly, and supportive environment.



Sensei Tony is a 3rd Black Belt Dan in Shotokan Karate.

Due to training needs, Tony started practicing Karate at the age of 6 in Bahia, Brazil, the city where he lived with his parents. 

At the age of 15, when he was already a purple belt, he moved with his family to Mato Grosso, more precisely in the city of Juína, where he opened his first Dojo with the Budokan style. The year was 1991, where Tony became a Sensei. 

In 2005, he decided to embark on a new project. He moved to the United States, specifically to Everett, Massachusetts, where he continued his work as a teacher of this art in the Shotokan style.



BRIEF HISTORY OF DARUMA Bodhidharma (Daruma) was a semi-legendary Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century. or 6th century. He is traditionally

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MARTIAL ARTS – These are combat systems, generally without the use of firearms or other modern devices. Today martial arts, besides being practiced as military,

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the Okinawa archipelago


The origin of karate is directly related to the historical events that occurred in the Okinawa archipelago, located in southern Japan. Once divided by fiefdoms,

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Budo Karate Dojo Membership



3 pm - 3:40 pm Age (5-7)

4 pm - 4:40 pm Age (8-12)

5 pm - 6 pm Age (13-17 Intermediate)

7:30pm - 8:30 pm Age (18+ Advanced)


3 pm - 3:40 pm Age (5-7)

4 pm - 4:40 pm Age (8-12)

5 pm - 6 pm Age (5-7)

6 pm - 7pm Age (8-12)

7 pm - 8 pm Age (13-17)

8 pm - 9pm pm Age (18+ Beginner)


3 pm - 3:40 pm Age (5-7)

4 pm - 4:40 pm Age (8-12)

5 pm - 6 pm Age (13-17 Intermediate)

7:30 pm - 8:30pm Age (18+ Advanced)


3 pm - 3:40 pm Age (5-7)

4 pm - 4:40 pm Age (8-12)

5 pm - 6 pm Age (5-7)

6 pm - 7 pm Age (8-12)

7 pm - 8 pm Age (13-17)

8 pm - 9pm Age (18+ Beginner)


5 pm - 6 pm Age (13-17 Intermediate)

6 pm - 7 pm Age (18+ Advanced)


10 am - 11 am Age (5-7)

11:15 am - 12:15 am Age (18+ Advanced)

Emergency Contact

Terms of Acceptance

General Release

A- I am Physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to practice the art of karate.

B- I will not perform any activities detrimental to the art of karate or Budo Karate Dojo nor will I use the physical forms of karate in any way but a discreet judicious manner outside the dojo.

C- Any knowledge and experience obtained here will not be used by me in any way financial gain nor will endeavor others or hold demonstrations without the express knowledge and prior consent of the chief instructor.

D- I will abide by the rules of Budo Karate Dojo and make every effort to exercise good sportsmanship in the practice of karate.

The understanding hereby the BUDO KARATE DOJO, its officers, instructors, and students, from any liability by reason of injury, or suffering which may be sustained in the course of receiving instruction or services at BUDO KARATE DOJO.

I have read and agree to the release and waiver of liability, in consideration of the services received as a student of BUDO KARATE DOJO. I have read the previous paragraphs and I know, understand, and appreciate these and other risks that inherent in the activities made possible by BUDO KARATE DOJO.

I hereby assert my participation is voluntary and knowingly assume all such risks.


I am responsible for attending class, arriving on time, and being properly equipped. BUDO KARATE DOJO is responsible to instruct the karate class. BUDO KARATE DOJO is not responsible for equipment or belongings left on their facilities.


BUDO KARATE DOJO is open 50 weeks a year (Except holidays). The other 2 weeks we will be on vacation (1 week during the summer and 1 week during winter) If it does not exempt the member from payment during both weeks of vacations.


A- I agree to pay monthly the amount of $160 with the signing of this registration form, and the following payments will be automatically charge on my account starting the following month.

B- I Agree to a monthly membership term and acknowledge that the automatic withdrawal agreement will continue for that period unless I terminate my membership in this registration form.

C- I hereby certify that I am the holder of the credit card on file. D- I understand that I will be notified if my credit card fails to authorize for any reason, and that a $15 late fee will apply if I do not provide valid credit card information with 10 calendar days of the original rejection date.

E- Note that even missing the class (unless it is for medical reasons) the payment WILL continue to be effective for a monthly payment.

F- I understand this membership application will become active 1 day after your initial signing. You have five days to cancel this application after signing. To request the cancelation, complete a cancelation request form at the front desk or in our website and submit it via e-mail or in person to the BUDO KARATE DOJO where it must say that you DO NOT wish to be bound by this new application.

G- Be clear that all cancellations must be requested at least 10 days in advance. Cancellations requested without due notice; the monthly fee will be made normally.

Credit card payment

Before ordering, you need to accept the terms of acceptance above.
Price: $160.00

Schedule your free class

1º Rules

Each competitor, referee, and judge MUST wear a complete traditional white karate Gi.

2º Rules

Safety equipment Mandatory: Hand gloves, Mouth guard, protective cup (male). Optional: Head gear / Face Shield (recommended); Chest protector (female), Shin & instep.

3º Rules

Fingernails and toenails MUST be clipped.

4º Rules

Competitors MUST NOT wear any jewelry.

5º Rules

If a competitor fails to appear in the ring on time, that competitor will be disqualified.

6º Rules

LEGAL TARGETS include the chest, stomach, face, sides of neck, kidneys, and back. NON LEGAL TARGETS include groin, eyes, throat and spine. in ALL KUMITE DIVISIONS.

7º Rules

The competitor will be immediately disqualified in case of: excessive or malicious contact, any display of poor sportsmanship or disrespect, failure to wear proper uniform, or safety equipment, falsifying age, rank, or any other registration information.

8º Rules

Kumite matches will be 3 points. Black belt matches will be 5 points.

9º Rules

Winners will receive their awards as their respective divisions finish.

10º Rules

We also reserve the right to combine any category that not have 4 or more competitors.