

MARTIAL ARTS – These are combat systems, generally without the use of firearms or other modern devices. Today martial arts, besides being practiced as military, police, and self-defense training, are also practiced as sports.

The term “martial arts” refers to the art of warfare and has Greco-Roman origins, linked to the god Mars, also known as Ares. So, as martial arts, according to this mythology, are the military arts taught to men.
Today, the term martial arts is used for all combat systems of eastern and western origin, with or without the use of traditional weapons.

KARATE – Karate or karate-do is a Japanese martial art originating in Okinawa, and was introduced to the main islands of the Japanese archipelago in 1922. Karate emphasizes striking techniques (punches, parachutes, and traumatic blows) rather than grappling techniques.

The practice of karate can be strong in three main parts: kihon, kumite, and kata.

Kihon – And the study of the basic movements.

Ku – Means and can be free form or free form.

Kata – Means form and a kind of fight against an imaginary expressed in fixed sequences of movements.

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